At Central Maine Healthcare, our goal is to provide you the finest neurological care possible. We believe the way to produce the best outcomes is by working with nationally recognized, highly trained professionals, using the most advanced technology possible, and keeping our focus on patient safety which is our highest priority.
We Make Our Safety Data Transparent
We share our data publicly to give you the opportunity to compare us to other health centers. A well-informed patient is a satisfied patient, and we want to help you make an informed decision about your healthcare providers.
Your Input is Important to Us
We’re always looking for ways to enhance your experience with us. If you have suggestions on how we can improve the quality of our care, please call and speak to one of our Patient Advocates at Central Maine Medical Center 207-795-2398; Bridgton Hospital 207-647-6099 or Rumford Hospital at 207-369-1488. We’ll follow-up as soon as possible.
Thank you for choosing Central Maine Healthcare – and thank you for helping us improve our services.