Neurology, simply put, is the branch of medicine that treats disorders of the nervous system. That encompasses the brain, brain stem, nerves and spinal cord. The largest part of the field is the central nervous system, where we find control of our most basic behaviors—movements, speech, understanding and balance.
Central Maine’s Neurology
Neurology is one of the three pillars of neuroscience; the others are neurosurgery and stroke care. Central Maine’s Department of Neurology treats adults for disorders such as stroke, epilepsy, neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, movement disorders such as Parkinson’s, dementia, cognitive disorders and more. If it’s a disorder of your brain or spinal cord, we treat it in Neurology.
Our neurologists and other doctors are specialists in epilepsy, movement disorders and other neurological disorders. Not all of the illnesses we treat are unusual or extreme; if you’re experiencing headaches or lower back pain, we will evaluate you to be sure you have an accurate diagnosis and a solid treatment plan. If your condition is more serious, such as multiple sclerosis or head and neck cancer, we have the expertise to treat those illnesses, too.
What’s exciting about treatment at Central Maine Health is the web of collaborations our neurologists practice. Neurology and Neurosurgery will closely coordinate your treatment, working side by side with physical therapists, speech therapists and other clinicians to make sure your personalized treatment plan is perfectly suited to your condition and preferences. Whether you need nutritional guidance, traditional surgery or a high-tech procedure like Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), your medical team will all be looking at the same test results and recommendations, consulting with each other until they collectively decide on your best treatment.