Meet our team!
The Central Maine Healthcare pulmonary care team is comprised of board-certified pulmonologists and critical care physicians, along with other highly trained team members. We provide diagnosis and treatment as well as education.
Our Inhaler Educational Videos include a brief overview video and longer detailed video which goes over the use of your inhaler.
Conditions We Treat
At Central Maine Healthcare we provide diagnosis and treatment to our patients as well as education to both the patient and family.
Formal Asthma Education – We offer formal asthma education where you will meet one on one with our respiratory therapists to learn more about asthma management, preventative measures, avoidance of triggers, the medications used to treat asthma and the importance of compliance with these medications, among other topics. Asthma education is vital to the successful treatment of this disease state.
Formal Smoking Cessation Counseling – We do offer an opportunity to meet with a certified smoking cessation counselor here in our office to discuss options for successfully achieving smoking cessation.
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency – Alpha-1 Antitrypsin deficiency is a genetic cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease which often is under-recognized. We do offer screening for this in our office and if found to be deficient or a ‘carrier’ of an abnormal gene, free testing is offered to first degree family members. To learn more about Alpha-1 Antitrypsin deficiency visit www.alpha1.org. We are recognized as an Alpha – 1 Clinical Resource Center by The Alpha 1 Foundation.
Bronchial Thermoplasty – Certain asthma patients may be candidates for a procedure called Bronchial Thermoplasty and we do provide this procedure to those who qualify. To learn more about this asthma treatment visit www.btforasthma.com
Diagnostic Procedures – We offer a wide array of diagnostic and therapeutic pulmonary procedures such as bronchoscopy (including with endobronchial ultrasound) and thoracenteses. Pulmonary function testing is available at CMMC, Rumford Hospital, and Bridgton Hospital.
Pulmonary Rehab – Pulmonary rehab is a monitored exercise program and education session using a multi-disciplinary team to increase activity level and improve the health of patients with chronic lung disease.
Educational Videos
Central Maine Pulmonary provides this educational video to guide you on how to use your inhaler. Each inhaler has two videos, the short video is a quick overview and the longer video goes over the use of the inhaler in more detail. If you have questions about your inhaler that aren’t addressed in the video be sure to contact your healthcare provider.
CLICK HERE to view the complete inhaler training video playlist on our YouTube page.
Inhaler Overview
HANDIHALER Inhaler Review —- HANDIHALER Inhaler Review
DISKUS Quick Review —- DISKUS Inhaler Tutorial
ELLIPTA Inhaler Quick Review —- ELLIPTA Inhaler Review
FLEXHALER Inhaler Quick Review —- FLEXHALER Inhaler Review
PRESSAIR Inhaler Quick Review —- PRESSAIR Inhaler Review
RESPIMAT Inhaler Quick Review —- RESPIMAT Inhaler Review