Almost everyone has experienced some sort of ear, nose or throat problem, from the common cold and sinus infections, to tonsillitis, migraine headaches and sleep apnea. Some disorders are more serious than others, but they can all greatly affect your quality of life.
Our board-certified ENT specialists at Central Maine Healthcare are skilled at zeroing in on these sometimes complex problems and helping you find relief.
Chronic Ear Infections: Most people think of ear infections as a childhood affliction, but the fact is, adults get them as well. They happen when the middle ear—the space behind the eardrum—is infected and fills with fluid. The fluid creates pressure in the ear, which can be painful; if it doesn’t heal quickly, or keeps coming back, our specialists can help relieve the issue with tube insertion or other solutions.
Sinusitis: Your sinuses are narrow cavities connected to your nasal passages. Their job is to produce a mucus that keeps the inside of your nose moist, but when your sinuses get infected they swell and become blocked. That’s sinusitis, and it goes hand-in-hand with allergies and the common cold. It usually goes away with your cold, but if the symptoms persist, we may recommend treatments like balloon sinuplasty, a simple and painless procedure for long-lasting relief.